our name implies, SendCoal is a site dedicated to helping
you send a lump of coal, tastefully packed into a small
burlap sack, to any recipient of your choosing. We also
include the ability of senders to personalize this gift.
exists a long-standing tradition in Western culture
of giving coal as a gift, particularly to those who
are deemed to be undeserving of something more desirable
or of greater value. However, while the stories of such
gifts survive to this day, not nearly as many people
have easy access to coal anymore. Being as we are located
directly in the heart of America's historic coal region,
this is not as much a problem for us.
seek to help you keep alive this tradition, should you
desire, by sending coal on your behalf (or anonymously)
to anyone you choose.

operation is proud of the fact that we exclusively use
high-grade anthracite coal from Centralia, Pennsylvania.
While fate has not been kind to this region of the United
States (please feel free to see our section on the History
of Centralia) the coal resources within the surrounding
rocks still abound, and we gather these rocks from locals
who still find deposits available to those who know
where to look.

is surely not the first service to help people who wish
to give coal as an amusing (or scathing) gift to others.
However, virtually all similar businesses are,
in our view, grossly deficient in either of two ways...
- Nearly all of the "gift coal" offerings
one encounters -- especially on mainstream web sites
-- is simulated. These gifts consist of either cheap
cast plastic or simply black-painted rock... in any
such case, we think that's a little bit of a cheat.
After all, if you're going to give someone a gift
like this, why not send genuine coal?
- Absolutely none of the other businesses
of which we are aware will shield your identity when
they dispatch a gift of coal at your direction. One
company claims they will "send coal to someone
without revealing you as the giver" but then
goes on to state that "if the recipient emails
us and asks who sent the coal, we will tell on you."
Screw that! SendCoal has a very strong commitment
to privacy and anonymity. If you send a gift of coal
and tell us that you do not wish to be named, we will
never reveal your identity to anyone.*