SendCoal takes pride in helping people to express
emotions or feelings while sending specialized gifts
around the country and around the world, we reserve
the right to not print any personalized notes that
are exceedingly vulgar, threatening, harassing, and
which therefore may violate the law.
we will never alter or edit someone else's words...
in any case when the submitted text is questionable
we will contact the customer with our concerns. Customers
will have the option to revise their text, send the
coal without any text, or cancel their order for a
full refund. If we contact a customer with concerns
over a personalized card and do not hear a response
back within 24 hours (or if their revised text is
still deemed legally questionable) the order will
be fulfilled as requested, but with a blank card that
bears only our standard greeting on its front face.
understand that this policy is based around our commitment
to anonymity and our desire to never reveal a sender's
identity. Harrassing or threatening messages could
result in the involvement of authorities and force
us to disclose information under court order.